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Studies showing efficacy and safety of minoxidil

There was inherent difficulties in assessing the effectualness of hair growth treatments. we frequently trust subjective assessments either by the patient or by the investigators. Referral to a blind reviewer is useful, however that assessment could also be skew reckoning on variations in photographic quality. Some objective measures ar hair count and hair weight. every of those needs careful documentation and standardization of the location being followed. Investigators could use stereotactic instrumentality or tattoos to mark the areas being monitored. It took many years for researchers to agree on the simplest concentration of Rogaine answer. Table describes the timeline of events as totally different concentrations came to the market. At first, the two answer was thought to be the well-liked treatment for male pattern phalacrosis, given its inflated clinical effectualness over zero.01%, 0.1%, and a hundred and twenty fifth solutions. There wasn't a applied math distinction between the half and a couple of solutions.

FDA approvals of Rogaine (minoxidil) solution 
1979—Oral formulation approved by the FDA for severe hypertension
1988—FDA approval for the 2% solution, with prescription, for hair loss in men with AGA
1992—FDA approval for the 2% solution for hair loss in women 
1996—FDA approval for the 2% solution for OTC use in men and women with AGA 
1997—FDA approval for the 5% solution for OTC use in men, labeled as ‘‘extra strength for men’’
2006—FDA approval for the 5% foam for OTC use in men
